Hello Readers
Well, you knew it was coming. Like Golden State winning the
NBA again and spring finally arriving with a limp flourish, we’d eventually
have to dive into the Zika virus. We’ve all read articles, we’ve all got our
opinions, so now here is mine.
First of all, there is no reason to panic. This is not the Spanish
flu of 1919, which wiped out some of my family, nor is it the AIDS epidemic of
the 1980’s. Nor is it even close to being as deadly as dengue or yellow fever,
though the mosquito carries those as well as the Zika. No, this is probably
going to go the way of bird flu and swine flu; relegated to the annals of
It is important to know that it is not the mosquito’s fault.
They live off blood, like leeches, and that’s a hard life. The virus is in
them, but they are immune and do not feel it. The mosquito is like any other
insect, but it receives an enormous amount of hatred. It is an ignorant vessel
and should be treated as such. In fact, it is a good thing so large an animal,
in comparison to bacteria and mites for example, carries this disease. It’s
easier to stop.
Like Malaria and yellow fever, Zika can be found on either
side of Africa. It can also be found in Indonesia and that region of South
Asia. Recently it spread to Brazil and Mexico. Typically the Western world
begins to worry only when it is in danger. It is named after the Zika forest in
Uganda which is where it was discovered, way back in 1947. It is the Aedes
genus you want to watch out for. It also carried, involuntarily remember,
yellow fever.
It can be transmitted sexually, though the nitty gritty has
yet to be determined. It can cause infants to have a small head, which
negatively impacts them as they develop.
I agree with the government. They only have the right to
tell women what they can do with their bodies in certain circumstances.
Abortion is not one of those, but this is. There is no current vaccine and
having a mentally deficient child being born can cause mothers a lot of upset.
So, this time they need to listen to the experts and respect them.
There are enough stories about how unprepared America is to
fill a circular. The news that Miami is no prepared should come as no great
surprised. When is America ever prepared? Obama tried to put through a 1.8
billion funding request through but congress stalled it. Bureaucrats and those
who believe a position of authority makes them a demi-god are slowing down the
process. Already in Miami the battle is heating up. It’s discouraging how
little is being done to help the people.
Destroying mosquitoes is difficult too. Sabrina Tavernise, a
science reporter, says the following:
“We have more than
3,000 species to deal with. Think of it
like trying to eliminate birds or butterflies. Mosquitoes dominate a wide range
of habitats and hosts. There are more than 1000 other species of Aedes and
nearly 1000 species of other Culex. Most of them grow in pools on the ground,
seasonally flooded by rainfall or high tides. To eliminate them would require
removal of all pools and containers of water. Impossible.”
And she is correct. It’s almost impossible to wipe out a
species such as the mosquito. Another solution is to encourage the spider, but
you try getting that one past people.
Of course you are likely safe from this for now. The
funniest thing about this is that by the time congress approve funding, Zika may
well have disappeared.
Well that’s it from me.
Thanks all, Galileo
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